Welche Visa gibt es für Korea?
Es gibt über 100 Visa für den Aufenthalt über 90 Tage in Südkorea. Wenn Du weniger als 90 Tage in Korea sein willst, brauchst du einen elektronischen Aufenthaltstitel. Erfahre mehr darüber in dem Du dem Link folgst.
Drücke auf die einzelnen Kategorien um alle Visa in der Kategorie zu sehen.
Visa Exempted (B-1)
Tourist / Transit (General) (B-2-1)
Tourist / Transit (Jeju) (B-2-2)
Short-Term General (C-3-1)
Group Tourist (C-3-2)
Business Visitor (General) (C-3-4)
Business Visitor (Agreement) (C-3-5)
Business Visitor (Sponsored) (C-3-6)
Short term Visitor (Overseas Korean) (C-3-8)
Ordinary Tourist (C-3-9)
Working Holiday (H-1)
Direct Transit Visa(Air-side)(C-3-10)
Short-Term Employee (C-4)
Job Seeker (D-10-1)
Business Startup (D-10-2)
Professor (E-1)
Foreign Language Instructor (General) (E-2-1)
Teaching Assistant (E-2-2)
Foreign Language Instructor (by FTA) (E-2-91)
Researcher (E-3)
Technical Instructor / Technician (E-4)
Professional (E-5)
Artist (E-6-1)
Hotel and Adult Entertainment (E-6-2)
Athlete (E-6-3)
Foreign National of Special Ability (E-7-1)
Independent Professional (by FTA) (E-7-91)
Special talent (F-5-11)
Incorporated Enterprise (D-8-1)
Business Venture (D-8-2)
Unincorporated Enterprise (D-8-3)
Technology and Business Startup (D-8-4)
Intra-Company Transferee (by FTA) (D-8-91)
Big Investor (F-5-5)
Work and Visit (Family Connection) (H-2-1)
Work and Visit (Parents/Spouse of D-2 Student) (H-2-2)
Work and Visit (By lottery) (H-2-5)
Work and Visit (Expired visa) (H-2-7)
Korean Arts and Culture (D1-00)
Industrial Trainee (D-3-11)
Industrial Trainee (Technology) (D-3-12)
Industrial Trainee (Plant) (D-3-13)
General Trainee (Others) (D-4-2)
Trainee Chef (Korean Cuisine) (D-4-5)
General Trainee (Private Institute) (D-4-6)
Medical Tourist (C-3-3)
Treatment and Recuperation (G-1-10)
Intra-Company Transferee (Foreign Company) (D-7-1)
Intra-Company Transferee (Domestic Company) (D-7-2)
Intra-Company Transferee (by FTA) (D-7-91)
Contractual Service Supplier (by FTA) (D-7-92)
International Trade (D-9-1)
Technician (Industrial Machinery) (D-9-2)
Technician (Ship Building) (D-9-3)
Individual Foreign Business Man (D-9-4)
Cohabitee of diplomat/foreign government official (F-1-3)
Spouse/underage children of F-4 Overseas Korean (F-1-9)
Parents of international student (F-1-13)
Underage children of Korean National (F-2-2)
Spouse of permanent resident (F-2-3)
Dependent Family (F-3-1)
Manufacturing (E-9-1)
Construction (E-9-2)
Agriculture (E-9-3)
Fishery (E-9-4)
Service (E-9-5)
Coastal Crew (E-10-1)
Fishing ship crew (E-10-2)
Cruise Ship Crew (E-10-3)
Household assistant of diplomat (F-1-21)
Household assistant of big investor (F-1-22)
Household assistant of high-tech investor (F-1-23)
Household assistant of professional (F-1-24)
Associate Degree (D-2-1)
Bachelor’s Degree (D-2-2)
Master’s Degree (D-2-3)
Doctoral Degree (D-2-4)
Research Study (D-2-5)
Exchange Student (D-2-6)
Korean Language Trainee (D-4-1)
Student (Elementary, Middle, High School) (D-4-3)
Foreign Language Trainee (D-4-7)
Short-Term News Coverage (C-1)
Long-term News Coverage (D-5)
Religious Worker (D-6)
Overseas Korean (F-4-11)
Descendant of Overseas Korean (F-4-12)
Former D or E visa holder (F-4-13)
University Graduates (F-4-14)
Permanent resident of OECD country (F-4-15)
Corporate Executive (F-4-16)
Entrepreneur of $100,000 (F-4-17)
Multinational Company (F-4-18)
Representative of overseas Koreans organization (F-4-19)
Government Employee (F-4-20)
Teacher (F-4-21)
Person of Age 60 or older (F-4-25)
Spouse of a Korean National (F-6-1)
Child Raising (F-6-2)
Diplomacy (A-1)
Foreign Government Official (A-2)