
Happy Easter

My dearest reades,

have a happy Easter everyone.
I spend a wonderful day starting at 9:40 am when I got up. I had breakfast wich was just like two slices of multi grain bread with cheese. After that I did some workout. I was jogging a new route alongside the Yarra river which was really beautiful and not as annoying as running through the city center which is full of people and where you have to wait at the traffic lights. The wheather was really good all day. And the sun was kind of burning while I jogged. I think I need a hat for that purpose. I put sunscreen on though.
Another thing I need, is an mp3 player because I would want to listen to some music while I am running.
I am really glad that I brought my trainers! Otherwise I would’nt be doing anything like excercising.

When I came back (like 45 minutes later) I took a shower and made myself ready for my appointment with Jo, Nancy and Lynn (for those of you who are not regular readers: the three UK gals (aussi expression for girls) I met and traveled with. Well, I did not travel with Lynn but I know her through Nancy and Jo and she’s been out with us a couple of times)
We met 12pm at Fed. Square where I was a little earlier in order to use the free WiFi there. When we met we had a drink in a bar on Fed. Sq. where the gals booked their flight to Cairns because they had no internet in the hostel they stayed in. After that we walked through the city in order to get something to eat and we ended up in a restaurant where they had all kinds of wraps and such things. I ordered a baked spud with mexican salsa, beans, cheese, sourcream and corn and jalape&ntildaos. We sat outside in the sun at the river to eat. It was really good and it was much. So well stuffed we had a long walk alongside the Yarra river. Two hours later went back to Flinders Street Station and had some ice cream. Afterwards we spend another two hours in the outside area of a bar down the bridge at Fed. Sq. which is probably my most favourite spot in Melbourne. We had a beer and Nancy and Lynn shard a hot dog which was according to them really good. In the evening it got kind of chilly so we went into the bar and had a coffee resp. beer.
Then we needed to say goodbye again. . . Fare well my dear fellas. Hope to see you again in QLD (Queensland)
Then I went back to the hostel where I read my Bryson which I almost finished. Just 60 more pages to read. So I will finish it tomorow. I interupted because I got to talk to Mathew, my former room mate, who I thought checked out. But it turned out that he made his reservation to late so he had to change the room and is on another floor now. I also made three gals acquaintance on the same table. Johanna from Iceland, Jeanette from the UK and Alice from France. We had a nice chat about all the differences and similarities between our languages. I noticed that Icelandic is pretty close to swedish. And about music and what kind of music we do like.
And now its 2 am and I am writing down all the stuff I experienced today. And I am asking myself who is reading this? Is anyone interested in that?
With that question in my mind I will go to sleep . . .

Good night everyone.

Take care

3 Kommentare

  • reader

    i am reading and interested in your stories and photos as well. Once a day i take a short break from work and check what’s up at the other side of the globe. Keep on bloging, stay inquisitive and never stop to be astonished.


    • admin

      Speaking of astonishment, today I read a wonderful sentence in the book I am currently reading: „Die Fähigkeit uns zu wundern, ist, das Einzige, was wir brauchen, um gute Philosophen zu werden.“ (The ability to wonder is the only thing we need to become a good philosopher)
      I won’t want to become a sophisticated philosopher, but I would want to retain, or better said, regain the ability to wonder about everything. Because philosophers are just adults that are not accustomed to the world. Just like children, they are wondering and asking about all the wonderful things in this world.

  • Olaf

    Hey Hauke,

    greetings from good old bremen. Anne and me just came back from a short easter-trip to Gran Canaria where we stayes in a very nice hotel. For 4 days we just layed in the sun and drank cocktails and beer all day. Now back in bremen anne has to work an i am still asking myself wheather to stay at the university or get myself a „real“ job. On friday a middle-sized company is going to call my, maybe then i have a job 🙂 So everything is quite exhausting here for me.

    I am reading every entry you post in your blog. It sounds all very nice and interesting. Maybe we meet some time in icq and can chat a bit.

    So far, keep well 🙂

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