
Hallett Cove

Yesterday I have been at Hallett Cove which is a quiet place located 30km to the south of Adelaide. I’ve been riding there by bicycle which I rented at the Adelaide City Center.
The trip took me not even two hours and I met Gina and Ada there. We went back by train because I had to return the bike by 04:30 in the afternoon.
The „beach“ at Hallet Cove was very rocky and dark. No white sand 🙁
But the water was wery nice as you can see on the pictures @ flickr.

Hallet Cove
Hallet Cove

In the evening we were out at PJO again. Had much fun. Went back to the hostel @ 2 am.

Today I did not much but reading my book from Bill Bryson „Frühstück mit Kängurus“

Stay tuned for more decent stuff by the kind folks of Australia and of course me myself,


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